At Posichiro, we help patients with several geriatric concerns and aging issues. We provide in-patient and transitional care as needed. Supported by a full range of experts and specialists, we are committed to helping you live as healthfully and independently as possible.

Our brain relies on information from the moving joints in our body to coordinate balance.  Joints that do not move, or move poorly, can significantly affect this fundamental skill.  Research shows that approximately 30-40% of older adults suffer from at least one fall per year, increasing in probability with age and a significant cause of injury and mortality.  Incredibly, studies are demonstrating how chiropractic care actually improves our balance by improving joint movement, boosting our proprioceptive awareness (our brain’s ability to know where our arms and legs are in space without looking).  Combine this benefit with studies showing enhanced reaction times following regular chiropractic care to proactively manage coordination and balance for fall prevention.

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