Active Release Technique, or A.R.T., is a patented, state-of-the-art soft tissue massage technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves, which our A.R.T.-certified chiropractors perform in conjunction with their chiropractic treatments.
SoftWave Therapy is proven to reduce pain, speed up recovery, and regenerate tissue, all within a quick 5-10 minute procedure with no side effects or downtime. It is used at leading national and international research and medical centers such as the Mayo Clinic, Yale Medical, and Cleveland Clinic as well as professional sports organizations including MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL, MLS, NCAA, PGA, USGA USATF, WNBA, Premier League, and UFC.
Dry Needling involves the insertion of a thin filament needle to stimulate the healing process of soft tissues (muscle “trigger points”, fascia, tendons and ligaments, etc) resulting in pain relief and restoration of healthy physiology.
Chiropractic care can provide the key to a healthy and successful life early on in a child’s life.
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